Lake Como is located in a large basin and is surrounded mainly by mountains. This allows countless air currents to circulate the beautiful lake waters, which subject them to abrupt climate changes. When sailing on the Alto Lago di Como, you can go from situations of relative calm to rough and turbulent waters characterised by strong winds. This particular feature makes the Alto Lario an excellent sailing gym, and many sailing regattas, even international ones, are organised during the summer months. The Breva is the prevailing wind, it has an anticyclonic rotation and blows quite frequently. In the Alto Lago di Como, compared to the rest of the lake, the Breva wind is strengthened by an intensity that easily exceeds 15/20 knots, accompanied often by significant wave motion. The Tivano is a morning thermal wind, it has a much lower intensity and becomes perceivable only south of Dongo, although at the promontories of Domaso and Dervio, it can increase by about 3/4 knots due to the narrowing of the lake. The Ventone, (or Vento) is a northerly wind that blows in strong gusts. It is a tramontana that descends from Valchiavenna and can reach a considerable intensity, up to 40 knots. Of similar phenomenology is the Fohn; this wind is also accompanied by a rise in temperature. The Garzeno (or Garzenasco) wind descends from the valleys of Garzeno, and is usually associated with thunderstorms concentrated on the high ground above the town of Dongo.


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